This sidebar is a work in progress...

Daily clicks for Palestine and other causes on

And this is where I'd put webrings I'm a part of...

Let me know if I violate any of the terms of use for the above widget. I'm new to this.

Corv's Silly Little Site

For my Silly Little Guys


I am an adult. I curse. I reclaim slurs that apply to me. This site is fun, but be warned.
(I plan on putting this section on the landing page once I move pages around)

I'm slowly learning HTML and CSS so bear with me. My code is quite messy. All my knowledge of coding comes from forums in Flight Rising, Pokefarm Q, and some neopet petpages. So this is my first webbed site. The way the site looks right now is temporary. You can follow the journey if you want. Peep the right sidebar to find your way around.
Note to self: coding, like any skill, has to be practiced.
I'm tired of social media going to shit and feeding those plagarizing AI, so here I am. Fuck what big companies are doing to the web. This site is MY space. We'll see how this goes...
Anyway check out my Toyhouse for a peek at my art!

Who needs Blingee when your monitor gives you green glitter at random intervals?
Bear with me, as this site is held together with chewing gum and string lol